
Podcast: Building a Foundation with Phonics in First Grade with Amber Reyes in CO on Teachers in America

2 Min Read
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Photo: First-grade teacher Amber Reyes

Welcome back to Teachers in America, where we celebrate teachers and their lasting impact on students' learning journeys and lives.

Today our host Noelle Morris welcomes Amber Reyes, a first-grade Denver, Colorado teacher who works alongside previous podcast guest Kyle Schwartz.

In her 17-year education career, Amber has gone from phonics tutor to early childhood educator to elementary school teacher. Along the way, she’s learned to draw from her background in early childhood education (or ECE) and phonics training to create an engaging classroom where students purposefully learn even through play.

Amber strives to build strong relationships in and outside of the classroom. She also serves as an HMH contributor helping other educators online.

In this episode, Amber will share:

  • Social-emotional learning strategies to use in the classroom
  • Engaging ways to incorporate phonics into instruction
  • Resources to support fundamental reading skills

For an automatically-generated transcript of the full episode, click below.

In Amber's classroom, students build social-emotional skills, like confidence and perseverance, all while learning foundational reading skills, such as phonics and phonological awareness.
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In Amber's classroom, students build social-emotional skills, like confidence and perseverance, all while learning foundational reading skills, such as phonics and phonological awareness.
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In Amber's classroom, students build social-emotional skills, like confidence and perseverance, all while learning foundational reading skills, such as phonics and phonological awareness.
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In Amber's classroom, students build social-emotional skills, like confidence and perseverance, all while learning foundational reading skills, such as phonics and phonological awareness.
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The views expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.


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