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HMH Into Science® 6–8

Available in Spanish

An Active, Hands-On Science Curriculum

Implement phenomenon-based science instruction for Grades 6–8.

Students Learn Science Best By Doing

With our Grades 6-8 science program HMH Into Science® and the Spanish version HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, students take part in phenomenon-driven activities that allow them to problem solve like real scientists.

A Flexible Way to Meet Science Standards

Teachers can implement NGSS standards, or similar standards, with all the resources they need to engage students in learning science—without having to purchase extra content.

Flexible way to meet science standards Into Science6 8 WF1544550

Research-Based Science Pedagogy

The manageable NGSS curriculum allows educators to weave the Three Dimensions of Learning into each lesson in order to meet the Performance Expectations.

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Educators and Students Access All Curriculum Resources from One Platform

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! reside on Ed®, the HMH learning platform, which includes e-book content, simulations and videos, auto-graded interactive assessments, and actionable data and reporting.

  • Flexible Instruction

    Connect to the tools, resources, and curriculum you need to help your students learn from anywhere.

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  • Support For All Students

    Differentiated instruction and remediation strategies for modifying existing activities or assigning new activities are available to provide extra, on level, extension, and ELL support.

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  • Remote Teaching and Access

    The HMH Go™ app provides access to core content from Ed, the HMH learning platform, at any time, even with limited internet access.

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One platform ed Into Science6 8 WF1544550
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Student Experience

Students Are Actively Engaged in Doing Real-World Science


Students Learn by Doing

The curriculum uses the effective 5E instructional model, which encourages students to Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate the science in hands-on and digital environments.

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Inclusive Features for Students with IEPs

Student materials have a read-aloud feature, feedback for incorrect answers, and videos and animations. The NGSS curriculum offers multiple exposures to content in different contexts.

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Enrichment Options Promote Ownership of Learning

Connect Your Learning, Unit Starters, Unit Connections, You Solve It Simulations, and Take it Futher opportunities allow students to go in depth on topics of their choice to gain ownership of their learning.

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Teacher Experience

Meet Standards Alignment with Phenomenon-Driven, Hands-On Science Labs


Students Investigate, Like Scientists

Students engage with science much like scientists do in the real world. They are encouraged to think critically, have conversations about science, investigate and explore further as called for by the NGSS.

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Support for All Learners on Their Science Journey

HMH Into Science includes embedded prompts for social and emotional learning and culturally responsive education. A fully equitable Spanish version created using transadaptation is also available.

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Actionable Data and Reporting

Formative and summative curriculum assessments pinpoint students’ progress toward mastering performance expectations and indicate if they are making sense of phenomena.

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Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

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  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

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  • Coaching and Courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

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  • Leader Support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

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HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, a Fully Equitable Spanish Language Version

Spanish-speaking learners have full access to the exact same science curriculum, including hands-on science labs, videos, animations, and more.

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Awards and Accolades

2023 Techand Learning B2 S Secondary Ed Winner Awards 1x1

Tech and Learning Awards of Excellence for Back to School 2023

Secondary Education

Ed Tech Cool Tool Finalist Into Science K 5 WF1544450 1

2022 EdTech Cool Tool Award Finalist

Science Solution Category

Ed Tech Breakthrough Award Into Science K 5 WF1544450

EdTech Breakthrough Award

Best Science Solution

Ready to build young scientists’ confidence and excitement?

Insights & Resources

Ready to build young scientists’ confidence and excitement?

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Contact Us about HMH Into Science 6-8

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Into Science 6–8 Equipment Guide

Explore the Into Science 6–8 Equipment Guide to see the hands-on possibilities for Into Science

Into Science 6–8 Digital Walkthrough Guide

Explore the Into Science 6–8 Digital Walkthrough Guide to see how Into Science on the Ed platform can support teachers and students thorough easy lesson planning, targeted support, and differentiated learning.

Download the Into Science 6–8 Scope and Sequence

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! 6–8 Ed Digital Walkthrough

Download the HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! 6–8 Digital Walkthrough Guide for Ed