
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Student Writing 472

HMH program advisor Dr. Allison Bruhn explains how student success in the classroom is directly related to their ability to self-regulate their behavior and offers some tips on how to implement student self-monitoring, a tried and true strategy for supporting self-regulation.

Allison Bruhn
Program Advisor and Assistant Professor, University of Iowa

Fly Fishing Thumb

HMH program advisor Dr. Dockterman explains how a fly-fishing trip offered insight into the daily frustrations experienced by struggling students.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Ell Students 472

HMH program consultant Dr. Elena Izquierdo offers three strategies that can accelerate English learners’ development of academic English.

Dr. Elena Izquierdo
Author, Escalate English; Author ¡Arriba la Lectura!; Associate Professor, Dual Language Education / Biliteracy / ELL Education, University of Texas, El Paso

Video Screenshot 472

HMH program advisor Dr. David Dockterman explains the role of emotions in reading comprehension.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Spark Roundup

In this edition of The Spark News Roundup, we take a closer look at how some schools are introducing new and innovative practices into their classrooms, from scheduling four recesses a day, to embracing a more interactive approach to preschool math instruction through the use of talking puppets.


Spark A Story Open Book 472

HMH is sending out a final call for submissions to the Spark a Story national short story writing contest, which closes October 7.


Student Engineers 472

HMH science curriculum author Michael DiSpezio explains what problem-based learning is and why educators should incorporate it into their lesson plans.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Teacher In Engaging Classroom Setting 472

HMH program advisor David Dockterman Ed.D. explains how evidence-based innovation is the key to improving student learning outcomes.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Student In Library 472

As kids head back to school, HMH Chief Academic Officer Francie Alexander shares some elementary and middle school-level books to help ease the transition from summer to fall.

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

Boy Typing 472

HMH Program Author Dr. Bill McBride shares four ways to help students analyze complex prompts and become better writers.

Dr. Bill McBride

Mom Reading W Students 472

As kids head back to school, HMH Chief Academic Officer Francie Alexander shares some K-2 books to help ease the transition from summer to fall.

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

Onevote Map 472Px

Channel One News, a HMH company, announces the eight students who will represent the political views of America’s youth leading up to the presidential election this fall.


Writers Block Image 472Jpg

To celebrate HMH’s Spark a Story contest, we turned to some of our authors and novelists to get their tips for how to overcome writer’s block.


Piled Books Thumb

What works when teaching reading? Here are five strategies that are proven to work.


Effective Math Instruction

What does good math instruction look like? Dr. Matt Larson shares five components of effective math instruction in the modern classroom.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Engineering Thumb 472

HMH science curriculum author, Michael DiSpezio, explains how and why engineering is incorporated into the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Sapulpa Logo 472 Border

Donia Doudican, the Digital Curriculum Project Manager for Oklahoma’s Sapulpa Public Schools, shares her top four professional development tips for the approaching school year.

Lee Ramsayer
Executive Vice President, Global Sales

Student Writing Manscript 472

HMH gives educators and aspiring writers a sneak peek into the publishing world, with advice about how to get manuscripts noticed, thoughts on the current trends in the industry and more.


*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.