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Some Strategies to Assist Students with Interpreting Images and Other Earth Science Spatial Thinking Skills

64 Minutes

Understanding in the Earth Sciences depends greatly on interpreting images. We represent current conditions through such images as synoptic weather and color-coded sea surface temperature anomalies maps. We represent relationships between parts of our planet through cross-sectional diagrams of Earth layers. We can also use images like stratigraphic sequences to interpret the events of the deep past which created the present world. Interpreting geoscience images is one form of spatial thinking. Research has shown the importance of spatial thinking in science generally, and in Earth Science in particular. Research also shows that spatial thinking skills vary widely among students and teachers, and that performance on spatially demanding tasks can be fostered through instruction. This webinar will explore spatial thinking and provide you with strategies to assist your middle and high school students with mastering core ideas and NGSS*-aligned skills.