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Introducing the HMH Content Manifesto

Content Manifesto 4

Just like the students, educators and families we serve, we’re all constantly inundated with content in its myriad forms. From the music streaming on our mobile devices, to the webcast lecture downloading on our desktops and that game on our phones that we just can’t stop playing – it’s all accessible with nothing more than a light tap on a tablet screen or a handful of key strokes. 

The sheer quantity of information readily available today is unprecedented and overwhelming. How do we parse out what’s truly quality content? And when it comes to learning tools, how do we even define quality? Does “quality” really matter?

These are real, important questions. That’s why we’ve made our commitment to quality content loud and clear. This week we are introducing our Content Manifesto. Yes, that’s a strong word with powerful connotations. And that’s precisely why we chose it – we see rigorous, pedagogically sound, high-quality learning content, when paired with dedicated teaching, as the very force that drives student growth and achievement. And the research backs us up – use of high-quality instructional materials is among the most influential factors in student achievement.

In our Content Manifesto, we provide a guide for defining the very notion of “quality” when it comes to learning content, and we also detail how HMH thinks about the development of that content and what you can expect from us. By creating content that is research-based, aligned with standards, smart and adaptive, we build materials that are simultaneously engaging and effective so that we can close achievement gaps, support teachers and have fun while tackling today’s education challenges.

There is no doubt the education space is transforming and that technology is providing new outlets for learning, but we cannot let the importance of content take a supporting role in this transformation narrative. Education outcomes will not improve if every learner has a tablet; they will improve when every learner has access to high-quality education materials that can be taught and delivered in innovative ways by leveraging that tablet.

With reliable, dynamic content as our foundation, HMH strives to empower students, educators and their families. We want to ensure that all learners have equal access to the resources they need to get ready for college, career and beyond. We are passionate about creating high-quality content, and we want the world to know not only the strength of our commitment, but also the lengths we go to honor it. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore our Content Manifesto and share it with others who are dedicated to nurturing lifelong learners.