As your learners become more advanced readers and writers, support their development with these free English language arts and reading activities for middle school.

This lesson explores how to write a reflective narrative essay, a type of writing where writers reflect on an experience and show how their lives changed.

Want to help your students develop their organizational, analytical, and research skills? Teach them how to write an expository paragraph.

Teaching kids how to write a persuasive paragraph consisting of their opinion and supporting sentences puts them on the right track to being an effective communicator.

No matter what your middle school or high school class is reading, these writing prompts about love will get them ready for Valentine's Day.

School's back in session, which means it's time for a fresh batch of writing prompts for the new year. Have your high school or middle school students try these Back-to-School prompts this fall.

In November, National Novel Writing Month begins for thousands of writers around the world. At the same time, many teachers introduced their classrooms to the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program, and found their students developing a new-found passion for creative writing.

Get your ELA class into the spirit with these fun Halloween activities for middle school and high school students, and learn from a few masters of horror how to really make those spines tingle and those bones shake.
View more English language arts teaching resources for middle school here. Or, check out our full list of free learning activities for all grades and all subjects.
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