School administrators are always looking for ways to provide teachers with feedback on instructional progress and support in developing engaging learning experiences that meet students’ needs. Rubrics are effective tools for educational leaders to assess instruction and guide improvement.
Help teachers in developing lessons that heavily focus on increasing student learning with rubrics that emphasize rigor, relevance, engagement, and relationships.
How to Measure Student Learning in the Classroom
Academic rigor, relevance, engagement, and relationships are difficult to assess but critical for student success. Measure these four key components to student learning with our set of rubrics. Based on the Rigor/Relevance Framework by the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE), the rubrics provide a progression of student learning and instructional design on a scale ranging from beginning to well developed.
Use these rubrics to not only observe student learning and provide feedback but also identify appropriate instructional strategies for differentiating instruction, building positive relationships, increasing student engagement, and facilitating higher achievement goals.
Indicators of Student Learning
In order to support teachers in bettering their craft to improve student learning, we must evaluate what classrooms look like and ask, “what evidence is there of students thinking rigorously, applying skills relevantly, and actively engaging in their own learning?” That is why each of our rubrics include three indicators that focus on what students are accomplishing as well as goal posts towards deeper and more meaningful learning. As a guide, use our rubrics to create a baseline of your classrooms’ student learning and set more clearly defined expectations.
Download the rigor, relevance, engagement, and relationships rubrics below.

Join more than 5,000 educators in 100+ sessions at the 32nd Annual Model Schools Conference in Orlando, Florida, from June 23–26, 2024, to gain greater insight on how to positively impact student outcomes.
Join us for the 32nd Annual Model Schools Conference | June 2024 | Orlando, FL