
Grades 1–2 Science Activities: Conservation

2 Min Read
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A brief definition of conservation is the care and protection of Earth’s resources, including air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife, so they can last for future generations. However, the concept of conservation is complex. That’s why we’ve provided a variety of learning activities to help students learn more about the topic as a starting point.

Explore environmental conservation with labs and activities

Reuse a milk carton

There are many ways to complete this project. The steps and suggested materials in the answer sheet indicate one way to complete the investigation. Encourage students to come up with their own ideas for how to reuse a milk carton. This activity takes approximately 45–60 minutes.

Make a windbreak

There are many ways to complete this unit project. The steps and suggested materials indicate one way to complete the investigation. Encourage students to come up with their own ideas of how to make a windbreak. This activity takes approximately 45–60 minutes.

Prevent water from changing land

Work with students to design, test, and redesign possible solutions to prevent water from changing land. When the model is completed, have students discuss their findings with you. This activity takes approximately 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the model. Watch the video below to get started!

Read about environmental conservation

Protecting resources

Read about the dust storms of the 1930s and the methods we use today to conserve soil.

Helping our world

Read about the natural resources people use and how to conserve them.


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