Core Curriculum
Texas State Board Adopted K–8 Science Curriculum
HMH Into Science® Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!®Texas were developed specifically for Texas to support educators with all of the print and digital resources necessary to meet the TEKS. With HMH Into Science Texas and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas, students learn science by doing science, engaging in deep explorations of science phenomena.
HMH is one of only two companies to have met 100% of the TEKS and ELPS objectives on the TEA and TRR Quality Reviews!
Explore HMH Texas Science Solutions
- HMH Into Science Texas Grades K-5
- HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados K–5
- HMH Into Science Texas Grades 6–8
- HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados 6–8
HMH Into Science Texas Grades K-5
At K–5, print Student Editions provide content to address the TEKS along with space to complete hands-on activities and exit tickets. Leveled FUNomenal Readers offer content extensions that further reinforce the concepts being covered.
Equipment Kits
Grade-Level Equipment Kits include both consumable and non-consumable materials to make conducting activities even more manageable.
Hands-On Activities
Students learn best by doing science, which is why Hands-on Activities are an integral part to every lesson across HMH Into Science Texas K–5.
HMH Into Science Texas Hands-On Activities are simple to do with easy-to-find materials.
HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados K–5
Para una experiencia en español totalmente equitativa para los estudiantes bilingües emergentes, TODOS los componentes para el maestro y para el estudiante están disponibles en español en el plan de estudios de HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados K-5.
Equipment Kits
Los kits del grado que contienen materiales fungibles y no fungibles reducen el tiempo de preparación y permiten a los docentes realizar fácilmente las actividades prácticas con los estudiantes.
Hands-On Activities
Actividades prácticas:
- Son divertidas, breves y fáciles de realizar con materiales que se consiguen sin dificultad.
- Ayudan a los estudiantes a aprender cómo diseñar experimentos y observar resultados.
- Hacen énfasis en el discurso y el trabajo colaborativo de los estudiantes.
- Incluyen versiones de “Diséñalo” en las cuales los estudiantes participan activamente en la creación de conceptos, prácticas y vocabulario de ingeniería.
HMH Into Science Texas Grades 6–8
At 6–8, science content has been moved online to keep the weight of the student materials manageable. The print Student Activity Guides are lab manuals that provide steps to the hands-on labs and a space for students to record their data and answers. The guide also introduces the lesson phenomenon, has vocabulary reinforcement, a lesson summary, and lesson check questions.
Online, lesson content and PocketLab Library content provide teachers with exceptional flexibility.
Equipment Kits
For your convenience, the labs were designed with easy-to-source materials. HMH has made conducting them even more manageable by creating Grade-Level Equipment Kits.
Hands-On Labs
HMH Into Science Texas lets students explore everyday phenomenon through Hands-On Labs that bring science to life. Lessons follow an activity-before-content approach and are driven by a variety of Quick Labs, longer Hands-On Labs, and other collaborative activities, so learning is centered on “Students as Scientists.”
HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Grados 6–8
De grados 6 al 8, el contenido de ciencias se accede de forma digital para minimizar el peso de los materiales impresos de los estudiantes. Las Guías de actividades para estudiantes impresas son manuales de laboratorio que proporcionan pasos para los laboratorios prácticos y un espacio para que los estudiantes registren sus datos y respuestas. La guía también presenta el fenómeno de la lección, tiene refuerzo de vocabulario, un resumen de la lección y preguntas de verificación de la lección.
El contenido de las lecciones en línea y el contenido de la biblioteca de PocketLab brindan a los profesores una flexibilidad excepcional.
Equipment Kits
Estas prácticas han sido diseñadas con materiales de fácil acceso para su conveniencia. Más aún, HMH creó Paquetes de materiales por grado para facilitar el proceso.
Hands-On Labs
Con HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas, los estudiantes exploran fenómenos cotidianos a través de prácticas de laboratorio que hacen que las ciencias cobren vida. Las lecciones siguen un enfoque en el que hay una actividad previa al contenido y cuentan con diversas Actividades rápidas de laboratorio, Prácticas de laboratorio más extensas y otras actividades colaborativas, por lo que el aprendizaje se centra en “Los estudiantes como científicos”.
HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas: High-Quality Spanish Science Solution
Quality Matters. HMH took additional steps to ensure all students have access to our high-quality programs:
- HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas was submitted separately to the TEA review so that Spanish-speaking experts could evaluate. It earned 100% compliance in this review.
- Every teacher and student English component of HMH Into Science Texas is also available in the Spanish HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas solution to support multilingual learning.
- Beyond doing an automated translation, all components of HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas were transadapted by a team who specializes in scientific academic vocabulary.
- ELPS MiniLessons ensure that teachers can cover every proficiency standard.
- The Multilingual Glossary helps students build fluency.
- Emergent Bilingual support provides teachers with multiple strategies to engage students in language development.
HMH Into Science Texas has an exclusive PocketLab partnership
This partnership takes science education to the next level and provides Texas students and educators with the one-of-a-kind, customizable, collaborative and engaging hands-on learning experience they have been seeking.
Through PocketLab Notebook, teachers can digitally:
- Create, customize and share content
- Establish student collaborative environments
- View student activity in real time
- Access additional content from PhET Labs, Biomimicry Institute project-based learning, Deep in the Heart lesson plans, and much more!

Professional Development
Our award-winning professional development supports all teachers, whether experienced or new to teaching science, to deliver long-term, sustainable growth.

Insights & Resources
Explore articles, lessons, and additional resources for teaching science in Texas.

Learn about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Crosscutting Concepts and how teachers can use them to elicit student sense-making.

Photo: Past NSTA president and HMH Into Science Texas author Dr. Karen Ostlund
Past NSTA President and HMH Into Science Texas author Dr. Karen Ostlund joins us to discuss the ins-and-outs of NGSS standards, technology's impact on student agency, and more.

Get advice on how to incorporate vocabulary into science instruction to ensure students learn science concepts deeply.

Get your students into science with these activities for middle schoolers.

Use these fun activities and experiments for science class any time of the year!

Use these shapebook patterns as an engaging space for students to write their science observations and outstanding questions.
Learn more about HMH’s newest solutions to accelerate learning.
HMH Into Science Texas & HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! Texas Hands-On Activities and Labs
K–5 & 6–8 Program Overview Videos
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