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Shapebook Patterns: Science Evidence Notebooks for Elementary Students

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Shapebook Patterns: Science Evidence Notebooks for Elementary Students

Getting students to think and act like scientists is an important part of learning, and it’s also just excellent best practice in science education. When students see themselves as the explorers, the doers, and the discoverers, they want to learn more and keep looking for the answers to the problems and scientific phenomena we present to them.

As older students utilize evidence notebooks to record observations and predictions, make sketches, and note any questions they have, we need to prepare our younger students to do the same. Using shapebook patterns can be an easy way to engage elementary students—after all, if you look at a scientist's evidence notebook, it’s not uncommon to see scribbles and drawings that help them express what they are seeing or thinking. Art is a natural part of any science notebook.

Use the shapebook patterns below as an engaging space for students to write their science observations and outstanding questions. Students can color the shapes or even cut them out and paste them into a more permanent notebook!

More than 60 shapebook pattern worksheets available for download as PDF.


To learn more about HMH’s Texas Science offerings, contact your Texas team.

This blog, originally published in 2019, has been updated for 2022.