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Powerful solutions to address the diverse skills of all learners.

Connect instruction, assessment, adaptive practice, and writing in one easy-to-use place.

Personalized Practice and Instruction with Waggle

Get the extra practice your students need most with Waggle’s recommended assignments. HMH Into Reading with Waggle combines student-centered instruction with powerful personalization, immersing students in rigorous, skills-based practice that assesses knowledge in real-time. Waggle complements the HMH Into Reading program structure, providing a digital option for online, skills-based differentiation.

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1:1 Reading Tutoring and Assessment with Amira

Amira connects directly with HMH Into Reading's differentiated instruction.

  • Assesses oral reading fluency, screens for dyslexia, and automatically places students into 1:1 reading tutoring
  • Recommends HMH Into Reading resources based on scores
  • Proven to be even more effective for multilingual learners
  • Demonstrates strong levels of evidence under ESSA

Select A Report Amira Wf892955

Prioritize Writing Instruction

Writable fully aligns with HMH Into Reading at Grades 3–6 to give students the level of reading and writing support that’s right for them. When combined, HMH Into Reading with Writable supports students earlier in the writing process with real-time, point-of-use feedback to save you time on grading. Find out how Writable helps boost writing achievement.

Writable Student