Saxon Math

Learn more about Saxon Math's proven math curriculum

Ensure sustained achievement through incremental instruction

To master mathematics, students need to build on prior learning—what new concepts they can learn depends on which concepts they already know. Saxon Math™ provides a learning structure proven to advance students steadily and assuredly to higher levels of understanding.

Block Saxon Wf297647

Ensures students build and retain mastery of mathematical concepts.

Lightbulb Saxon Wf297647

Develops deeper understanding through integration of mathematical strands.

Tri Ruler Saxon Wf297647

Ensures measurable student improvement based on 35 years of success.

An integrated approach to mathematics

In Saxon Math, concepts from every math strand are woven together and connected throughout the year. Skills or concepts are reinforced throughout the years, helping students build a strong foundation of understanding.

Stairs Saxon Wf297647

An incremental approach gives students the time to understand and practice a small concept before adding the next step.

Distributed Saxon Wf297647

Distributing skills across the year ensures that students have time to practice and master a concept.

Buildings Saxon Wf297647

Cumulative practice and assessments cover ideas from earlier lessons to ensure students retain and make connections between concepts.

Built on a learning curve proven to raise achievement

While other math curricula ask students to progress from simple to complex concepts in just a few weeks, Saxon Math scaffolds instruction of each concept and continues to review information introduced earlier. This allows students the time and practice to retain math concepts to the level of mastery.

Student Experience

Clear instruction and hands-on activities engage all learners.

Online ebook SAXON WF297647

Students build skills and confidence through daily opportunities to review, develop mathematical reasoning, and apply knowledge.

Manips SAXON WF297647

Engaging manipulatives and hands-on learning tools help students develop and demonstrate understanding.

Drawing tools SAXON WF297647

New online resources give students convenient access to lessons and fun opportunities for practice and enrichment with Drawing Tools, iTools digital math manipulatives, Calculator Activities, and an eGlossary.

Teacher Experience

Easy-to-follow daily lessons offer a consistent structure to deepen mastery.

  • Classroom Discourse
    Daily discussion and practice help students build an understanding of basic skills, mathematical concepts, and problem-solving strategies.  
  • Hands-On Learning
    New concepts expand students’ knowledge through hands-on activities using manipulatives and other materials.
  • Writing 
    Students gain depth of knowledge through written practice, which gives them the opportunity to review and apply concepts.
Teacher Experience Saxon Wf297647

The lessons are easy to follow and the components all work together so well that it makes my job so much easier.

Jody Bentz, Lead Teacher

Taylor Primary, Snowflake, AZ

Frequent, cumulative assessments ensure students stay on track.

Summative assessments, including Power Up, Cumulative, Benchmark, and End-of-Year tests, allow teachers to continuously monitor progress.

Summative Assessment Saxon Wf297647

Formative assessments conducted through daily instruction, lesson practice, and written practice provide immediate feedback for intervention and enrichment.

Formative Assessment Saxon Wf297647

The Guide to Differentiated Instruction supports teachers with planning resources focused on meeting different learners’ needs.

Differentiated Instruction Saxon Wf297647
Instructional Content
  • Primary K–3

Instructional materials and activities in the consumable kit help students master foundational math concepts. Grade 3 is available in kit or textbook format.

  • Intermediate 3–5

Lessons embedded with activities and practical applications support mastery of concepts. 

  • Courses 1–3

Units are integrated and distributed to give students time to develop skills and algebraic thinking.

  • Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2

Practical applications of abstract concepts help students master thinking and reasoning strategies.

Teacher With Students Saxon Wf297647


  • Develop foundational understanding

    Through daily reinforcement, practice, and application of basic skills and concepts, students build conceptual understanding, computational fluency, and problem-solving skills and strategies. This foundation supports a steady progression through higher levels of mathematics.

  • Ensure retention of mathematical concepts

    Instruction, practice, and assessment distributed throughout the year means more time is devoted to reinforcing and building depth of understanding for long-term mastery.

  • Demonstrate measurable, sustained improvement

    The instructional effectiveness of Saxon Math is clear. Decades of research show classrooms using Saxon consistently see dramatic improvement in student achievement.

Learn more about Saxon Math's proven math curriculum.

Research & Results

The power of improvement. The confidence of “I can".

Research shows that Saxon Math consistently yields increased retention, higher test scores, and sustained performance in higher-level mathematics. Independent research, longitudinal studies, and field testing provide clear evidence that Saxon works.

Foundational Research

Learn more about the theoretical framework that guided the development of Saxon Math’s distributed approach to instruction, practice, and assessment.


Theoretical and Empirical Support for Saxon Math

Efficacy Research

Saxon Math has a proven record of success in schools across the nation as evidenced by numerous studies showing improvement that’s measurable, immediate, and long-lasting.


Overview of how Saxon Math K–5 meets ESSA “STRONG” evidence criteria.


Overview of how Saxon Math 6–8 meets ESSA “MODERATE” evidence criteria.


Overview of how Saxon Math 9–12 meets ESSA “PROMISING” evidence criteria.


Staying motivated: Saxon Math provides students a path to results.


Saxon Math emphasizes the importance of problem solving in our modern, global, and technological age.

See how Saxon Math can raise achievement in your classroom.


Creating the path to higher math achievement for all students

The authors of Saxon Math are experienced educators whose singular dedication to better math instruction and materials for students and teachers led to the development of the complete K–12 program. Guided by the incremental approach developed by John Saxon, they’ve created programs that help students nationwide become stronger, more confident problem solvers.

Default Male

Mathematics educator and author

Nancy Larson Saxon Wf297647

Grades K–4 Math Teacher and District Math Coordinator

Stephen Hake Saxon Wf297647

Grades 5–12 Math Specialist and Author, Saxon Math

Frank Wang

President, Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics

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