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Dr. Douglas Becker

Advisor - Test Development, Research and Psychometric Activities. Association of Test Publishers (ATP)

Dr. Douglas Becker guides all test development, research, and psychometric activities at HMH. He has served on the board of the National Council on Measurement in Education, the editorial board of Applied Measurement in Education, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) where he served as Chair in 2015. Dr. Becker completed his PhD in educational measurement and statistics at The University of Iowa, where he was a Special Research Assistant with Iowa Testing Programs for four years.

Assessment Can You Have It All Thumb

Does your district debate when and how often to assess? Hear from HMH assessment expert, Dr. Douglas Becker, on the goals of purposeful testing.

Dr. Douglas Becker
Advisor - Test Development, Research and Psychometric Activities. Association of Test Publishers (ATP)