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Douglas D. Ready is an Associate Professor of Education and Public Policy, and the Director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE-TC), at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has also held participating faculty roles with Columbia’s Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Program and its federally funded Population Research Center. His research examines the links between education policy, social policy, and student outcomes, with a particular focus on educational inequalities related to student socio-demographic background. He has served as principal investigator for multiple large-scale domestic and international studies, including those focused on instructional and curricular reform, teacher training and compensation, educational technology and personalization, and school segregation and stratification. Representative work has appeared in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy, Sociology of Education, American Educational Research Journal, American Journal of Education, Teachers College Record, Research in Higher Education, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, and Early Education and Development, as well as in books and edited volumes published by the Brookings Institution, Teachers College Press, and the American Educational Research Association. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, American Educational Research Journal, and Sociology of Education. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.