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David O Connor2

David J. O’Connor

American Indian Studies Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

In his role at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, which he has held since January 2012, David works with school districts in providing instruction on the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of American Indian nations and tribal communities of Wisconsin. He also offers general consultation on related issues, provides training opportunities, and presents at conferences and workshops across Wisconsin. He is originally from and is a member of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Ojibwe) in northern Wisconsin.

Infusing Multiple Narratives in History Classrooms: Native American Studies

How do we reframe our pedagogy to incorporate multiple narratives within our classrooms? We can start with three building blocks: reading, content integration, and scaffolding of information.

David J. O’Connor
American Indian Studies Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Paul ST Rykken
Lecturer, First Nations Studies Department, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

David oconnor

Teaching culturally means that the educator acts as a guide for students and is actively learning alongside them in their understanding of the content.

David J. O’Connor
American Indian Studies Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction