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Andy Clark

Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer

Andy Clark is an advisor on Math In Focus: Singapore Math programs, which introduced the renowned Singapore curriculum to the United States. He is the former K–12 Math Director for Portland Public Schools, which outperformed the state and closed the achievement gap in mathematics. As director, he was principal investigator of the last Urban Systemic Grant authorized by the National Science Foundation. He has taught all levels of the K–12 system and has conducted professional development in more than 40 states. He is the author of Algebra Readiness, Summer Success: Math, Partner Games 6, and Practice Counts Grades 1–6.

April Better Questioning 2

A curriculum that includes math discourse in daily lessons has several learning benefits.

Andy Clark
Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer

Visualization The Fourth Leg Hero

Andy Clark
Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer

HMH’s Andy Clark breaks down a recent Educational Research Institute of America study that examines the efficacy of Singapore Math pedagogy in U.S. classrooms.

Andy Clark
Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer

Number Sense What It Is And How To Develop It With Students Thumb

Singapore Math thought leader Andy Clark discusses the importance of developing number sense and shares classroom strategies.

Andy Clark
Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer