Inspire all students in Peru to reach their greatest potential
As The Learning Company™, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt® shares your goal of preparing students to live, work, and thrive in a multicultural, multilingual, and highly connected world. Our innovative and proven primary and secondary solutions and professional learning are designed to meet you where you are and take you and your students where you want to go.
Discover our classroom solutions for Latin America.
Classroom Solutions
Proven Solutions for Measurable Success
Whether you’re in need of a full curriculum, assessment that can measure achievement and inform instruction, or targeted intervention to help teachers close the achievement gap for struggling learners, HMH® can help you meet your unique requirements. Download our Raise Student Achievement brochure for an in-depth look at how our solutions can elevate your students.
Account Executives & Partners
Dedicated to your needs
HMH’s dedicated Peru representatives are experts not just on HMH Solutions, but on the goals and needs of Peruvian classrooms. Call or contact us today to learn how we can help you and every one of your students succeed.
HMH Peru Account Executives
These HMH sales representatives are dedicated to serving the Peruvian market.
Feel free to contact them directly with any questions or concerns you may have about HMH programs and services.
Maria Ellis, M.Ed
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
909 Davis St.
Suite 300
Evanston, IL 60201
Approved Partners
HMH programs and products are also available in Peru directly from these HMH-trusted and approved local sales partners.
Books & Co SAC
Av. El Polo 670 Local C-102,
Centro comercial El Polo II
Surco, Peru
Phone: 51 1 5045984
Contact: Alexandra Curonisy
M&G Consultants
Calle Francisca Zubiaga 246
Lima, Peru
Phone: 995327470
Contact: Jeffreen Mego Zuniga
Nuevas Técnicas Educativas (NUTESA)
Contact: Fiorella Cappelletti
SBS Peru
Mariscal Felipe Santiago
Lima, Peru
Phone: 5112064900
Contact: Jose Luis Miranda
Get the latest information on how HMH can help your students reach their learning potential.