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Grades 6-8 Math Activity Set 1: Financial Literacy

1 Min Read
6 8 Math Activities 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd 104b71eb860de3cd4fcc287f64c7c979

This week’s lessons focus on how to become a knowledgeable consumer and investor. Learn about choosing a bank, protecting your credit, and paying for college, and explore wages, salaries, and careers.

Materials Needed

Download the answer sheet, which provides solutions for all problems with this week's lessons.

Download the student sheets listed below. Each activity is intended to be completed within a day for a complete week of lessons.

The student sheets can be printed and completed by the student, or the student can write their answers on a blank sheet of paper.

Are You Ready? Learn about Fractions, Decimals, and Percent

Activity 1: Choosing a Bank

Activity 2: Protecting Your Credit

Activity 3: Paying for College

Activity 4: Wages, Salaries, and Careers

Extend the Lesson: Math at Work

Explore Math at Work on the HMH YouTube channel: Math Meets Homebuilding

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