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HMH Math Solutions Earn Statewide Approval in Tennessee

BOSTON – Learning technology company HMH today announced that the Tennessee State Board of Education approved HMH Into Math and HMH Into AGA for adoption for Kindergarten through Grade 12. HMH math curriculum is on Tennessee’s Official List of Textbooks and Instructional Materials and covers 100% of the Tennessee Math standards. The board gave its seal of approval for the programs’ superior quality and ability to meet the needs of all students.

Built on the foundations of best teaching practices, educational research, and feedback from practicing teachers, HMH Into Math and HMH Into AGA deliver student-centered learning experiences to meet the diverse needs of today’s math classroom. With HMH Into Math and HMH Into AGA, students develop their problem-solving skills through high quality math tasks. Additionally, educators get actionable data analytics, curated professional learning, and seamless integration with HMH’s K-8 digital gamified learning solution, Waggle – all in a single place with a single username and password. HMH Into Math and HMH Into AGA are accessed through HMH’s connected teaching and learning platform, Ed.

The State Board’s approval follows a thorough review process by the Tennessee Textbook Commission which is designed to support districts in their curriculum decisions. Members of the Commission consist of district leaders, teachers and community members appointed by the Governor, the Senate Speaker and the House Speaker. An advisory panel of experts in the subject areas or grade level, including teachers and college professors, lead the materials review to ensure the highest quality content is selected. The materials are approved based on excellence and alignment to the state standard.

To learn more about HMH’s math programs in Tennessee, visit:

Media Contact

Tori Dickson

Communications Specialist