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New Report from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Reveals Increasing Educator Confidence, Optimism around Digital Resources in the Classroom

BOSTON – Global learning company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) today announced the results of the third annual Educator Confidence Report, a survey of over 1,200 teachers and school and district administrators which investigates key issues including educator sentiment, technology readiness, community engagement and the state of the teaching profession.

The survey reveals 65% of teachers are confident in their ability to effectively use educational technology resources in the classroom, a 7% increase from 2016. However, while almost all (98%) respondents use some form of digital content, they acknowledge that there are still roadblocks preventing them from realizing technology’s full potential in the classroom. Among the largest barriers to effective education technology integration are lack of time to plan for implementation of digital resources into instruction (46%), a shortage of devices in the classroom (40%), and lack of access to technology-focused professional development (48%).

“Technology's impact on K-12 classrooms continues to accelerate,” said Rose Else-Mitchell, Executive Vice President of Professional Services at HMH. “Although educators have increased confidence in their ability to implement digital resources and tools, the HMH 2017 Educator Confidence Report reveals they are still searching for opportunities to deepen their competencies, especially around the use of formative data, to enhance blended teaching and learning. Now more than ever, it is critical that we listen to America’s teachers and partner with them to support professional learning experiences that are collaborative, personalized and can actually make a difference in student learning.”

Additional findings from the 2017 Educator Confidence Report include:

  • Professional development and meaningful, collaborative relationships with colleagues are crucial to success: 63% of educator’s report that colleagues are the number one resource they turn to when it comes to learning about educational technology implementation. About half (47%) of educators rely on formal professional development from their school district, while close to two-thirds (63%) of educators report using their own money to engage in professional development opportunities. In addition, educators indicate they could use additional resources to help them more effectively implement educational technology.
  • Educators want greater family involvement: More engagement from parents (52%) was the number one thing educators wanted more of in the classroom. This was followed closely by more time to collaborate with colleagues (49%).
  • Confidence in the state of education varies among job type: 53% of educator’s report having a positive outlook on the overall state of education, compared to 42% in 2016. Administrators, at both the school and district level, have a more positive outlook (72%) than classroom teachers (47%).

“All students deserve a great education, one that affords every opportunity for them to grow into knowledgeable, caring and successful adults,” said Francie Alexander, Chief Research Officer at HMH. “In education, evidence and information speak volumes and have the potential to transform learning into a personalized experience that meets the needs of all students at every age and stage.  It is critical that we hear and listen to educator voices and use data to guide education policy, instruction, improve student outcomes and support teachers.”

The Educator Confidence Report is an independent study, distributed to a diverse national cross section and was conducted by the market research agency MDR, on behalf of HMH. The administrative group included school principals, superintendents, curriculum heads and chief technology and chief information officers. Teachers from across the K-12 spectrum completed the survey. Math, science, social studies, English language arts and literacy, and general classroom teachers were represented.

To learn more about the 2017 Educator Confidence Report, which examines additional topics including social media usage among educators, widely used teaching strategies used alongside technology and the future of education, please visit

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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (NASDAQ: HMHC) is a global learning company dedicated to changing people’s lives by fostering passionate, curious learners. As a leading provider of pre-K–12 education content, services and cutting-edge technology solutions across a variety of media, HMH enables learning in a changing landscape. HMH is uniquely positioned to create engaging and effective educational content and experiences from early childhood to beyond the classroom. HMH serves more than 50 million students in over 150 countries worldwide, while its award-winning children's books, novels, non-fiction and reference titles are enjoyed by readers throughout the world. For more information, visit

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Media Contact:

Meghan Kelly Anderson Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 617-351-5163