Addressing Gaps

Assessment Cycles

READ 180 and System 44 includes a variety of assessments designed to inform instruction, monitor progress, and provide continuous diagnosis.

Assessment Cycle
Assessment Cycle

Assessment Timeline

Use this timeline to plan when to administer READ 180 and System 44 assessments throughout the course of a school year.

Assessment Timeline
Assessment Cycle

Continuous Assessment

For READ 180 and System 44 Student Applications, the adaptive technology is continuously assessing students based on their responses, adjusting their personalized instruction in real-time. Teachers can also use observational rubrics to assess and record their students during in-person or remote class periods.

On-Demand Reports

Independent Reading

In READ 180 and System 44 independent reading supports, and quizzes are embedded in the student digital bookshelf, providing resources and comprehension data to assess student progress as they practice reading independently.

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